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Behavioral Patterns - Memento Pattern Exercise

Posted on 06/20/2018

The Memento Pattern is used to record the internal state of an object. It is used to create a state machine and also makes undo or redo operation very easy with this pattern. In this exercise, we will use a scenario of account and account manager to understand the components of this pattern.

Reading Materials

  1. (15 minutes reading)

Practice Materials

  1. Use the Memento Pattern to support an account manager to do save and roll back operations for his managed accounts.


  1. Originator (The object whose state will be saved as a memento) - Account
  2. Memento (The object that represent the saved state from its originator) - AccountMemento
  3. Caretaker (The object that keep the immutable state of mementos) - AccountManager
  4. Client (The entry point of the application that will run the given scenario) - App


  • Not all states of the originator have to be saved to a memento object.
  • To implement rollback or revert in the AccountManager, a stack could be used to keep track of the entire memento history.
  • Account.deposit or Account.withdraw could be created to change the Account.balance


Account Manager Example

Questions to discuss

  1. What are the common use cases to apply a Memento Pattern?
  2. What are the similarities and differences of the Memento Pattern and the Command Pattern?

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