The Elastic stack has a nice website that provides the links to the docker images and documentation. In this example, I am using the latest version as this article is written - v6.4.3 for all the elastic stack.
1. Run ElasticSearch
docker run -d --name my-es -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"
After the container starts running, find out the internal docker IP the ElasticSearch server is using. This will be used for configuring the Logstash and Kibana.
docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' my-es
2. Run Logstash
Create a configuration file in the host directory, and bind mount to the container configuration file.
vim ~/elk/config/logstash.conf
Enter the following and save with :wq
. Note that we created an index pattern that starts with leafyjava-
input { tcp { port => 5050 codec => json } } output { elasticsearch { hosts => [""] index => "leafyjava-%{appName}" } }
Run the container. We need to use -f
flag to ask Logstash to use the config file we just bound.
docker run -d --name my-logstash -p 5050:5050 -v ~/elk/config/logstash.conf:/config-dir/logstash.conf -f /config-dir/logstash.conf
3. Run Kibana
docker run -d --name my-kibana -e "ELASTICSEARCH_URL=" -p 5601:5601
Go to localhost:5601
, and you will see the Kibana console up and running. Now you are ready for integrating your applications to use this elastic stack.