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Implement the Lightning Algorithm

Posted on 09/15/2021

I was entertaining myself with the excellent video interviews from the Numberphile project, a lightning algorithm interview from the creator of the visualization of the algorithm clearly explained the techniques used behind the scene. The explanation was so clear and the visualization was so satisfying that I felt impetuous to implement it. A few hours later, the moment of thought became realized. Here sharing a few steps that I learned from the interview and while implementing it.

The Demo

Generate a maze

We start by creating a grid that shows only points so that we could connect them based on a certain probability.

Grid base

We will then create walls in the grid. The lightning algorithm is to mimic how a lightning strike travels - from top to bottom. To make sure in most of the time, our maze provides a path from top to bottom, horizontal walls should be fewer than the vertical walls. To get there, we need to create a utility function to control the probability interval.

 * Predicate function that is determined by probability.
 * @param very {boolean}
 *  indicates a higher probability when true
 * @return {boolean}
function lucky(very = false) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (very ? 8 : 6)) + 1 <= 4;

In the above lucky(very) function, we create probability that is 4/8 when low and 4/6 when high;

There are more vertical walls then horizontal walls

Solve a maze

Solving a maze is as simple as a breadth first search algorithm. With the use of a queue, we could carry out the search one level at a time. We can imagine there is a pseudo root node above the first row with step = 0, for each adjacent cell that is not blocked by walls, we could mark them as the next step until we get to the bottom of the maze if the bottom doesn't have a wall.

Maze with steps marked

Finally we backtrack the path:

Backtracked path

Solved path

Animate it

We could fill visited cells by classification based on the steps it takes to get to them (the depth of the node), but if the maze is very long, the screen will eventually and most likely full of colored cells. In the original algorithm, only the most recent few steps are shown and this is what we will be doing here as well. We create a color ramp that shows only the last few steps with gradience. When we get to the bottom of it, clear all the transitional cells and draw the lightning bolt with some cool color.

Lightning moving downwards

Lightning touches ground

Lightning algorithm video interview

To get inspired, try the Numberphile project which hosts the original interview.

Read on GitHub